notes shared by bloomberg new economy summit nov 2019
maps: g20 & g200
3 bn jobs
Dr Yunus : China, SDG Economics zones: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Asean, Japan, Korea
one belt forum - girls best stories
youth valuing.......... education
will G20 respect #metoo: greatest girls empowerment solutions sustainability investors ever make
SUN GDPIT China Japan Global Youth Friendship
Economistwomen.com Sir Fazle Abed
kai fu-lee - &w20 & other 20s of Japan G20
Beijing Open Space 5 - april 2017- women hold up half the sky
old sustainabilityclub.com
blockchaincity.net - student unions of blockchain by supercity and win-win belt roads
Is AIIB Best Bank Developing Youth?
Help Baltimore become fist free university city for world record job creation students
economists without borders and brexit
Log : One Belt One Road (1B1R)
xi-trump greatest intergenerational meeting
Missing Trillion Dollars Jobs markets - episode 1 english and chinese as second languages
2 Global Value Chain- SME capacity
3 Bank SME
4 Digital age gov inclusion SME
5 SME= Youth Sustainability
mapping hi-trust youth neural networks
trades with china by type : Belt, EWTP, other
jinping trump world's most valuable meeting
What happened to Yunus top 10 concepts of ending Ultra Poverty
Can 10 greatest human innovations create jobs?
Yunus- how usaid and academics compound ultra poverty
Sustainability youth MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - and everywhere
playing pieces - World Record Jobs Book &
invitation to colleges to play world record jobs game
entrepreneurial revolution of norman macrae and paul farmer
zeroisation of yazmi and social business movements connection with youth sustainabilty
week 1 of curriculum of worldeconomist.net
worldeconomist.net week 2
Can we prevent unbridled arrogance of silicon valley from ending sustainability of all of US?
youth 10000 blogs
Downloads of Sustainability World : 1 sequel to 1984 book on netgen ; part 2 journal of social biz
1 Minute Stories of Our LIves & Times
Business models which can save the world
Norman Macrae Archive
World's Greatest Maths Mistake
Youth Ambassador & Yunus Nets - the Hunt for 5000 21st C mindsets
Devaluing Goldman Sachs to 0
Sustainable Universities
CEOs & Sustainability Branding
Strategic Philanthropy
From G8 to G2030!
Collaboration Cafe
My city's crisis of opportunity
Video World Changers
Sustainability DC Dhaka London
Games of Bottom Up 3 Billion Jobs Players

Impossible Becomes Possible Survey

Collaborate with world citizen survey of 100 most trusted people networks of sustainability world 2007-2012

1 who?

2 what uniquely do supporters networks collaborate around across cities and rural?

3 what's their next wish for http://peoplepower.jp to unite round

example  Muhamamad Yunus

2 world's number 1 in sustainability investment - Network around sustaining entrepreneurial communities rising starting with poorest or most disconnected

3 Wish to see every global market sector sport at least one sustainability investment model that empowers compound goodwill and above zero sum value with every community it flows through starting with the poorest or those in most vital need of what the sector could offer -facebook link

more examples

Empowerment Competition; World Citizen Travel Guides are offering five * $1000 bursaries to different hemispheres to reprint the First Worldwide Guide on Crisis Learning - all content is open source, and you can replace articles with more locally relevant guides as you choose.
Download Guide
here. Debate here.
Questions: info @worldcitizen.tv

The next collaboration city festival of cafes is New York 007 October 11.

venue Olive Cafe

location: 117 McDougal Street which is close to West 3rd Street just South of Washington Park. 

Date Thursday October 11

11.15 Photosynthesis Cafe (question expert: rick nelson)

12.30 Malaria and community transparency for grassroots health Cafe (question expert: peter burgess)

1.45 Yunus WorldCitizen Challenge Cafe: will your city be first to interact 1000 people meta-collaboration Yunus Forum (question connector:  chris macrae)



FURTHER DETAILS New York Collaboration Cafes, October 11:

11.15 transfers from a cafe production in London's festival last month. Rick's photosynthesis architecture and agriculture inventions open up a world of clean energy and clean food abundance.  But they conflict with most existing channels and professional interests. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CToYjQFRxXE we believe he's a classic test case of an open source entrepreneurial revolutionary that citizens could network sustainability around - but will we? Rick aims to respond to Taddy Blecher’s request at CIDA Free University (S. Africa) to open source practical peer to peer curricula for sustainability entrepreneurs and wishes to show that photosynthesis architecture around a slum like Kibera would be a 10 times better carbon reinsurance fund than plant a tree.

12.30 Peter Burgess is a Brit whose retirement projects in New York include end malaria and other transparency networks. After a lifetime spent working in many African countries - sometimes with business and genocide going on side by side - Peter, a chartered accountant, can answer questions on what aspects of empowerment in grassroots communities, global aid seldom reaches. His community intelligence webs: http://immconsortium.org  http://tr-ac-net.org

1.45 Londoners have been posed a big question by Muhammad Yunus. Can we survey all our change networks for the 1000 people who would most want to be invited for 2 hours to discuss everyone’s collaboration projects including the social enterprise stock market that http://peoplepower.jp could help emerge. This builds on a London cafe which Mostofa Zaman presented after interning with Yunus in Dhaka this summer on: how can Yunus citizen forums empower maximum change. Yunus has selected the Forum value : "impossible becomes possible if right action, right time, right place, right people". Chris co-authored 1984 netfuture book with his dad, future history leaders editor at The Economist. Death of Distance challenges net generation include mapping 30000 replicable social projects by 2010 http://www.normanmacrae.com/netfuture.html

 Typical Collaboration Cfaes being hosted by World Citizen Networks Fall 007 - mail info@worldcitizen.tv if you have a production to add or wish to transfer one across cities.

1 Debrief from Yunus Dhaka intern Mostofa on London Yunus Friends Club- can we test ways (eg razoo ) to unite with yunus pop group too? How does Yunus invitation flow with Browns people power? Do we all agree these are end poverty's top 7 scalable methods/How do we further election of Sunita Gandhi as a  wishmaker for everything education could be but currently isn t sustaining for children?Grassroots videos are now streaming in from Africa's 50000 orphans at Kibera. How do we shame BBC Red Nose Curtis and Bono after their 50 mn $ fundraiing with kibera child's story; and 0 given back to empowerment projectsUganda is ready to demand the tru solution to end malaria as her helath ministers recent letter to wall street journal shows. How can we give this support out of London
5 from alumni of CollapsingWorld: In the spring , one of the world's most sensitive cross-cultural mediators relocated to London after 20 years in the east. He believes that London is the pliot city for all East-West safe relations- what help can we give him?6 Green in the City's 100 person theatre on the hi-visibility South Bank has had an odd delay with shipment but is nearly here. And its architects etc are confident enough to put the same solar architecture into a tender for the Olympics swimming pool. Have we got a world class meta-collaboration cafe program ready for the grand opening of the greenest people power theatre the world's ever seenSouth Africa's collaboration news keeps on getting better and better - taddy blecher wishlist from CIDA free university; mandela's elders networks invites collaboration -discuss- how do we map & link other meta-hubs 
Now that Omagine's been commissioned as Oman's extraordinary 21st C cross-cultural epcot- we cant start debating too soon what the eparl experiences need to be!Ireland's very own round the world traveler has 1000 grassroots stories that open the eyes - how can london and dublin hubs 100% work round her deep voice common sense Caroline Iffee's grassroots connections in Nigera are world class- how we all help with the Tom Hunter philantropy net work flows

 Entrepreneurial Revolution Trilogy Cafe : 200 years of human relations systems intelligence is being desecrated as unseen wealth's huge msitake drives a mathematically value-destructing globalisation pass 1% vs 20% conflict tipping points

- a) the magic triangle at start up -its usually 3 entrepreneurs (inventor*social significance mediator*resource gatherere) not one

- b) how's and what's of when brands or service franchises replicate fast

- c) governing the goodwill sustainability exponential up not inconveneinet truth down


Collaboration Cafes are hosted around someone with urgent world scaling actions to take. They are free for everyone but only the most committed to that host's work get one of the typically 10 seats on the day. Meta-collaboration cafes are hosted around 40 to 1000 people - they require some kind of joint sponsoring. We are happy to share London's 50+ experiences of hosting CC with any city interested in waving People Power 

Recent Collaboration Cafe archives

London Fall Festival of Collaboration Cafes - Sept12-14 (free, do come!)

Nightingale Cafe: wed 12 sept 11.00 am how to make london chapter of Yunus supporters one of the world's best- guest Mostofa Zaman who interned in Yunus head office & journalist Alan Mitchell--most amazing acfe ever held in 21st  c London - next job is to find 1000londoners who most truly want to network around Yunus - questions and offers of help info@worldcitizen.tv

Nightingale wed 12 sept 2pm - Preparing for 1000 alumni meeting in 2008 of year 25 of entrepreneurial revolution and will be the networked world be sustainable? Entrepreneurial Revolution was a trilogy of surveys completed 1984 by Britain's senior economist for The Economist magazine. They demonstrated many cases of how and why future sustainability depended on prioritising compound exponential metrics of governance above all other metrics that organisations are audited by. This is the defing challenge shared by the world's first net-generation 1984-2024 http://normanmacrae.com/netfuture.html    This collaboration cafe discusses open sourcing maps for sustainability investment and the homework needed for 1000 person reunion of Entrepreneurial Revolutionaries in 2008 http://entrepreneurialrevolution.blogspot.com

Brixton Hub thurs 14 sept: 4.00 pm: why is photosynthesis architecture so hard to popularise as world's simplest way to end climate crises and can London's 2008 Green in City program at South Bank festival hall change this?

Friends House fri 14 sept: 10.45 : Gandhi's understanding 7 whole truth ways to change the world- year 100 of his Satyagraha curricula.PEACE as everyone's number 1 CONFLICT PREVENTION job. We also wish to host a discussion on what are the causes of lost peace in system conflict prevention terms: eg media-vain leadership trios at top of nations, disrespect within between 2 or more cultures or demographic groups, too high a % of national wealth spent on arms or drugs, not sufficient simple law on basic rights and community up empowerment of such, hierarchy system's loss of transparency so vital resources never reach the

Friends House fri 14 sept 11.45: news from Entrepreneur research on 200 people to most trust networking around for sustainability world 2007-2012 - how to participate!

Nightingale Cafe is 3 minutes from Balham Tube station - walk under bridge and along main road

Friends House- we meet in the basement cafe of Quakers Friends House which is on opposite side of road from Euston Station

queries etc welcome info@worldcitizen.tv

Autumn Collaboration Cafe Festival, London 12-14 September

Our editors believe there's no better news citizens can interact in 007 than  microcredit truth and Yunus knowhow - see our flagship collaboration cafe of the season right; other cafes below; all are free, and you can turn up at the door

11.00 am wednesday sept 12 at the nightingale cafe balham tube (go under bridge and 3 minutes along the road )

Flow 1 Mostofa Zaman - you tell us for a few minutes any conclusions of the research that you did in Dhaka on yunus supporters forums http://muhammadyunus.org/content/view/59/89/lang,en/ this summer; I will bring copies of the questionnaire you sent out across all our collaboration networks

Flow 2 Leading business journalist alan mitchell will briefly discuss why the games rules of transparency auditing and sustainability investment mapping show that yunus is one of the most sustainable and value multiplying service franchises the world of 2007-2012 can connect to; we will explain how 24 years of tracking coordinated by the UK's senior economist connects with this http://entrepreneurialrevolution.blogspot.com

Other exciting middle eastern projects we are tracking include this cross-cultural visual arts video game hosted by superb Persian artists


Recently Londoners (the most ranked city and freest village network map befitting a place whose Queen dares to be first to broadcast the sustainability crisis question: is Humanity turning on itself?) in searches through tens of millions of bookmarks on collaboration knowledge city held our 50th collaboration cafe.

Collaboration Cafe is designed by alumni of Harrison Owen's Open Space (30 downloads for open space) but who only have 1 hour instead of 3 days to activist communal initiatives. Something has to give compared with open space parameters which in the 3 say format can involve 5000 people (cafes have 15 max), anyone hosting a conversation they believe may resolve the communal crisis the space invited participants to (the main host of a collaboration cafe is an authority that those who decided to come most wanted to litsen to and practice with, ideally become open source alumni of); the invitation phase of the colaboration cafe is give extra dramatic emphasis to try to ensure that the 15 people who most want to come in any social or susttainainability entrepreneur network around London do.

In other words contact chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk if you need to know more about collaboration cafe -how to open source as the unique format that can be used in any collaboration city. Unlike world cafe formats, it preserves open space as its core design not other faciliation extras. It tries to format correspondence around:
how do 10 people meet and best use 60 minutes of time to be guided through one deep social challenge that has been nominated by London's change world networks eg 1 2 3 4 5 as critical to future sustainability

before and after we meet, how do we connect local and global networks concerned with this challenge

if the person regarded as the world's most connected person in a particular world changers network is passing through London, how do we assemble the 9 Londoners which it would be most productive for that perosn to give an hour's guiding time to

We are not saying we have a perfect cafe format yet, but the journey has been an interesting one so far. If you live in another city and feel that you may want to be one of its collaboration cafe hosts, do mail me at chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk , and I will try and share the practice gudielines we have learnt so far. They have bulit primarily on how do you reduce the principles of Harrison Owen's 3-day open spaces to 1-hour because we believe these have a practical simplicity every meeting format intended to connect all participants can learn from.

The rest of this page will review some of the questions those who know an alumni of colaboration cafe London are now debating after 50 of the most extraordinary action learning experiences. Here is part of a mail I sent out to the participants of Collaboration Cafe 1-50.


    Start with 2 fascinating dynamics:

    1 Once a world changer has demonstrably found a solution to a vital social good in one place, they usually want to see it openly replicated interlocally wherever else it can do social good. . (This involves a peoples cross-cultural flow – people building bridges for sustainability which top-down planning alone cannot)

    2 Its typically the case that world changers gain naturally from co-promoting each other. A wholly different way to market starting with reality, and where over-bloated imagery of a leader is a disadvantage. (The goodwill gravities of World Changers like Bill Drayton, Muhammad Yunus, Fazle Aded and Peter Eigen are close to 100% hi-trust reality and 0% puffery). Goodwill markets through hi-trust citizen’s social networks, inspirational stories that turn out to be actionable by the people. So for examples here in London there is a lot of synergy in my view between Muftah’s Omagine and Rick’s Solaroof, or between Tav’s green.tv where local youth movements capture which social networks are celebrating sustainability changes and Sofia ’s co-mentoring of how to connect the disconnected.

    When you look at these four of the greatest world changer movement to have exponentially sustained in the last 30 years, they have in the last 12 months been rapidly encouraged to find every way they value multiply each other by such West Coast Billionnaires as Jeff Skoll, the omidyars, the founders of google, and hopefully Bill Gates who is funding Africa Progress Panel (now incorporating all of Make Poverty History and Africa Commission 2005 and trying to transform the UN's Global Compact) as a grand experiment in rolling out transparency as the social oil needed to advancing millennial rights. Moreover most of these world chnagers will be connecting together for the first time in a high society place at the ned of this wek at http://www.clintonglobalinitative.com and Clinton is ghost-editing a book social entrepreneurial activism http://www.clintonfoundation.org/051706-nr-cf-gn-cs-usa-pr-wjc-to-write-book-on-citizen-activism-and-service.htm

    These 4 world citizen movements are fun to try and describe. So a very rough guide attempt for you to edit into your own words:

    4 Finance2.0 also known as Microfinance or banks for the poorest

    3 Public service 2.0 for the poorest by the people- BRAC in Bangladesh is the world benchmark; over the last 30 years it has identified (a menu of about 100 connecting project franchises) you need to interconnect at the family and village levels to save the poorest children and provide them basic education. A key secret is to empower people in the communities to do this rather than set up a profession public service class above them

    2 Transparency because neither of the above work sustainably if corruption or wars are going to invade them

    1 ashoka.org: Mapping and investing in the sustainability of 2000 other seeded franchises for world change – ashoka.org


    Is there some 5th networking-savvy colaboration movement that people out of London can develop that could multiply all 4 of the above and then be replicable where other cities want to sustain world changers?



    Collaboration Cafe 50 - guided by Muftah Benomran, London, 14 Sept 2006. This set the scene for all ages to grow up in a world citizen century - where some of the greatest sustainability and peace building initiatives are emerging out of the Middle East. Muftah updated his on the future history of the Qutopia project : now most likely to be reborn with a change of brand destination, as the idea gets greater and greater for cross-cultural humanity every year that Cooperation London networks see of it

    No ImageLondoners are hugely excited to see how the intercity fan club project of Muhhamd Yunus waves especially as half of the 21st C most imaginative pop duo -TheGreenChildren - is English bred.

    breaking collaboration news: http://wiki.espians.com/Collaborations
    Friend of Tav co-productions, Guilhem, Sofia B, Leslie W and I, Mostofa Z is charged with helping Muhammad Yunus pioneer intercity supporters clubs. He has been mapping how London can be a leading collaboration forum an opportunity enhanced by TheGreenChildren, the successful launch of Espria 1.0 and other world citizen events in the 5 year collaboration program Passports to Sustainability Breaking collaboration entrepreneur news June 20-Subject Sustaining Truth Economics:
    Hi. Chris: Yesterday I met with Professor Dr Muhammad Yunus at his office in Dhaka. I told him of you. Anyway, I explain my ideas on Yunus Forum. He is pleased with many of my ideas. Now I am on Internship with his office working on this. I want to email all networks asking suggestion and comments and participation. This will also appear on the web. I want you pass my email to all of your networks. Is it possible? Sofia: I will be back to London by July. then i will meet you. Lesley: great to hear about you. keep it up.
    networks connected inter alia:
    all of tav's
    most famous collaboration cafe to date - Muftah  wish come true http://www.omagine.com
    all co-mentors of http://turnupthecourage.com and flow to cida free university S Africa via sofia if prac
    pioneers of change via lesley and sofia
    Michel's peer to peers of learning http://www.p2pfoundation.net/Main_Page
    http://simpol.org and oxford peer to peers of Gavin (John Bunzl)
    Phillipa's The International Exchange (including Brazil Recife/ Freire's home region) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2302925309
    chris and kirstie social media and lee's headshift
    Roberts cash-rich De Souza's Peoples World
    Sunita's http://www.gemsedu.org the best elearning format seen by researchers out of UK National Development Programme for Computer Asssisted Learning since these maps began at Univesrsity of Leeds in 1973 and famially linked with the world's favourite school http://cmseducation.org of J&B Ghandi
    Empower KiIbera Orphans (Samuel & maria GI and Guilhem W and ...)
    the hub via sofia or maria GL
    Be The Change and some of its speakers nets via Nick
    The Intrapreneurial Campaign for Organisational Democracy by Traci
    The Shamis Hussein Muslim Women Peace Readers networks
    The Modjtaba Sadria Branch of Global Reconciliation Network http://globalreconciliationnetwork.org
    Melanie's Empowernent Networks
    Peter's campaigns to end malaria and end the lost transparency of global aid http://immconsortium.org http://tr-ac.net.org
    Franklin's citizen movements for clean water http://water-vis-ability.net 
    Anne & Rick's Open Source Photosynthesis architect and agriculture networks of http://www.solaroof.org http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=CToYjQFRxXE - human sustainability's only likely map since 1984 publication by father Norman Macrae of The 2024/2025 Report of the generation that sustained or ended the world depending on its collaboration entrepreurial competences
    bcc in case interested networks of other collaboration cafes id4.html   , ashoka, The Economist editor of The Year of the Brand, leadersquest, grameen foundation usa, Global Reconcilitaion (London, Delhi, Sarajevo), Gandhi 60th memorial commemoration, tomorrows company, ted.com, sustainability.com, Indira Gandhi National Centre for Cultural Collaboration


    Moreover, respectful cross-cultural collaboration is the 21st C key of the gatesway of the peoples world changer networks- the flows of collaboration gold and the maps of social entrepreneurship.
    To, prepare for cultural lift-off:: Alfarabi is nominated as the Muslim philosopher-guide whom world citizens might seek first to learn common sense and conscience. Muftah's SevenStars is a corporation concerned with asking how to rebuild cities in the Middle East that live up to the first millennium's centuries of enlightenment when for example Baghdad was one of the open universities to mankind.



    Table of Ashoka's Social Entrepreneurs (to be completed over time). Also shown, thousands of google references to social entrepreneurs in each country

    Canada 78
    Ashoka USA 46 Other USA
    Ireland 22
    UK 45
    Czech Republic 26
    Poland 24
    Argentina 14 Ab
    Bolivia 1
    Brazil 42 Ab
    Chile 12 Ab
    Colombia 11
    Mexico 29
    Uruguay Ab Ab2
    Egypt 14 Ab Ab2
    Kenya 14
    Nigeria 28 : Ab Ac
    S. Africa 27 Ac
    Bangladesh 17
    India 71 Ab Ab2 Ab3 Ab4 Ac
    Nepal 11
    Pakistan 18

    Below, please surf the Typical agendas we wish to air in London at this festival or very soon afterwards include these collated by our network origin The Cooperation, est oct 2005 at one of London's hubs and whose 24 weeks of co-sponsored open spaces have been running summer long - see eg espians learning newscentre for those who love children - as the first in a 5 year intercity program of events Passports to Sustainability. London's main 008 events for Passports are being debated at the alumni network blog of Entrepreneurial Revolutionaries which began in 1976 with the first of a trilogy of surveys published in The Economist  written by the UK's oldest people power economist and future historyteller Norman Macrae 1 2

    Debriefing from First 100 continues as does the popularising of every method to trust map. What's the next goal that espians culture creatives want meta-colaboration designed around. How do we ensure that wholet ruth entrepreneurial systems are never misvalued again. Is our 5 year intercitizen program Passports to Sustainability still on the up and up


    After London's Collaboration Cafe 50 - we asked ourselves how could we ever beat that?  We have decided that its down to Londoners to develop a 5-year intercitizen round the world programme of meeting: Passports to Sustainability. Huge events are now being prepared for London's Spring Launch including the greenest building ever built for 100 people open space meetings which will appear on the terrace of the Queen Elizabeth Concert Hall, South Bank in time for a Spring Season of sustainability citizens debates. We invite citizens to plug in their calandar of meetings where humanity's biggest Q&A are shared; it is our intent to return in the Spring of 2012 in time to celebrate London's Olympic year with far more cheerleading news for humanity than sport alone can score. Hopefully the BBC as the world's largest public broadcaster will join in celebrating evry link to good news and sustainability innovations that the round world of citizen meetings explores and plants.  


    We are inviting simultaneity founder John Bunzj and Carbon Coach Dave Hampton to realsie Collaboration Cafe 51. We also thought that an  invitation to any network to deslgn a Sustainability Quotient Test worth co-creating around SQtest.tv - in this way we hope that we have opened space for Colaboration cafe 51 so that the people who some are London's most deep networkers for simultaneous sustainability. Of course, if your collaboration knowledge city wants to do invite a similary challenged collaboration cafe, their key hosts for climate crisis and simultaneity are welcome to join in the design of SQtests - email info@worldcitizentv subject cafe 51

    Here is how www.sqtest.tv works 

     1.0 IF you wish to collaborate in SQtest choose your global system crisis compass for sustaining life

     1.1 examples from a London post-ClintonGI2006 and where Branson takes on the world's number 1 collaboration share of voice for investing in climate crisis venture capital with my father's and entrepreneurial energy's most trusted venture capitalist  http://www.khoslaventures.com/resources.html 

     Dave www.carboncoach.com  might choose climate crisis, John www.simpol.org  might choose simultaneity -politics sans frontieres, sofia might choose education or conflict facilitation, someone or team far more courageous than me might choose peace 

    2.0 send me at least 3 questions to start your sq test up -we are trialling a particular testcard format discussed below but if you strongly wish to develop a different SQtest style, please inform me 

    2.1 you get your own sqtest.tv page and your own questions with links to your own web or networks; however if someone comes along and is deeply interested in working on what they believe is the same SQ test, you take the responsibility to discuss with them until you all decide if you are open sourcing the same SQtest  theme or different ones; if its different ones that's no problem because that's the stage to refer the person to info@sqtest.tv so they can start up their own page.  

    2.2 For transparency, please anticipate some agent provocateur work from my side  over time - eg a letter to Richard Branson's office asking if he wants to nominate someone in collaborating around the SQtest of climate crisis or of women which was the subject of his rebel billionaire reality tv program. I am also surveying shareholders of The Economist in a similar collaboration and media reformation way, but then my family and many impudent scots from Adam Smith and James Wilson on are media entrepreneurs www.normanmacrae.com to our and out nation's worldwide networking core. And on behalf of all our children we are shocked and to tell the truth increasingly angry when HM Majesty's Stern reports that due to lack of open questioning about climate since we prioritised it in our 1984 death of distance future history, countries are at the brink of having to invest 1% of GDP to save 20% GDP or if you listen to Google.org's Larry Brilliant at minute 14 - 100% of global GDP http://webcast.ucsd.edu:8080/ramgen/UCSD_TV/11645.rm


    3.0 the trial testcard

    each question gives the person a preference choice between 2 opposites to vote which their common sense feels good in matching future sustainability; part 2 of each question is:  in daily life do you find you are ordered or otherwise persuaded to do what your preference selected or the opposite?

    3.1 example- vote for how to map the future sustainability of 21st C networking economics:

    Schumacher -sustain open trades around 2 million global village contextsgovern only by the economics/audits/media of the 100 largest corporations and nations measured around the big get bigger (when users have suggestions on how to make wording simpler, web space can do that very easily- in other words , don't be afraidt:  put some wording up and wait for those social nets who love your sustainability theme to  help make your SQ test communications more fun, emotionally inspiring and memorably  viral) like all webs which world class brands teams since my 1990 book and I charter, SQtest will connect and open source supporting methods - for example the collaboration role of www.sustainabilityclub.com is to get people to identity which world summit formats they trust most as connecting with social sustainability networks they can participate in - probably www.microcreditsummit.org is top of that league - of course this is up for revaluation over the next few days as they are due to announce whether the 1999 collaboration plan to take 100 million families out of poverty that will be a different story for http://grameen.tv and http://worldcitizen.tv  to keep on investigating. For sure,  the above can be edited into simpler more fun learning game stuff over time, as change world travel guides and peoples'  other open action learning resources emerge out of London the City now in year 23 of the campaign for no Olympics tv without Sustainability tv. But first since loss of sustainability is the greatest mathematical mistake the world has ever been ruled by,  it is time for world citizens networks to develop the antidote to death by global accounting's maths of compound separability. You can also test another entrepreneurial network's get out of jail free card by fast clicking to the peace competitions at www.changemakers.net...or tell me if there's anywhere else that is transparently seeking the cure to monopoly governance by the world's greatest mathematical mistake- a challenge that Brookings economics and Georgetown Law School's Unseen Wealth research clarified in 2000, and which has not been addressed in any compound true way as is evident from nap.edu's 2005 fathering storm inquiry. chris macrae us tel 301 881 1655 chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk http://guidemakers.net http://worldcitizen.tv affiliates include http://sqtest.tv http://grameen.tv








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