notes shared by bloomberg new economy summit nov 2019
maps: g20 & g200
3 bn jobs
Dr Yunus : China, SDG Economics zones: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Asean, Japan, Korea
one belt forum - girls best stories
youth valuing.......... education
will G20 respect #metoo: greatest girls empowerment solutions sustainability investors ever make
SUN GDPIT China Japan Global Youth Friendship
Economistwomen.com Sir Fazle Abed
kai fu-lee - &w20 & other 20s of Japan G20
Beijing Open Space 5 - april 2017- women hold up half the sky
old sustainabilityclub.com
blockchaincity.net - student unions of blockchain by supercity and win-win belt roads
Is AIIB Best Bank Developing Youth?
Help Baltimore become fist free university city for world record job creation students
economists without borders and brexit
Log : One Belt One Road (1B1R)
xi-trump greatest intergenerational meeting
Missing Trillion Dollars Jobs markets - episode 1 english and chinese as second languages
2 Global Value Chain- SME capacity
3 Bank SME
4 Digital age gov inclusion SME
5 SME= Youth Sustainability
mapping hi-trust youth neural networks
trades with china by type : Belt, EWTP, other
jinping trump world's most valuable meeting
What happened to Yunus top 10 concepts of ending Ultra Poverty
Can 10 greatest human innovations create jobs?
Yunus- how usaid and academics compound ultra poverty
Sustainability youth MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - and everywhere
playing pieces - World Record Jobs Book &
invitation to colleges to play world record jobs game
entrepreneurial revolution of norman macrae and paul farmer
zeroisation of yazmi and social business movements connection with youth sustainabilty
week 1 of curriculum of worldeconomist.net
worldeconomist.net week 2
Can we prevent unbridled arrogance of silicon valley from ending sustainability of all of US?
youth 10000 blogs
Downloads of Sustainability World : 1 sequel to 1984 book on netgen ; part 2 journal of social biz
1 Minute Stories of Our LIves & Times
Business models which can save the world
Norman Macrae Archive
World's Greatest Maths Mistake
Youth Ambassador & Yunus Nets - the Hunt for 5000 21st C mindsets
Devaluing Goldman Sachs to 0
Sustainable Universities
CEOs & Sustainability Branding
Strategic Philanthropy
From G8 to G2030!
Collaboration Cafe
My city's crisis of opportunity
Video World Changers
Sustainability DC Dhaka London
Games of Bottom Up 3 Billion Jobs Players

Contents of this page include:

Who's Wish Who takes place annually in CA hosted by ted.com (currently a top 3 world sustainability meeting format). Here's a review of some wish winners and what happened next

Larry Brilliant ( a medic extraordinaire) wished (early 2006) 

You are the Genie! Grant Larry's wishes ›› we'd all join round the net proactively to warn people of imminent disasters and provide much more relevant warning of plagues (historically HIV, whatever comes next in a highly connected world!). Since making this wish he's been granted the job of being google.org's leader and most networked person

Help valuetrue be the open source clearing for the peoples top 100 nominations of empowerment/sustainabilty videos http://www.valuetrue.com/home/community.cfm ; other collaborations sought at valuetrue:

open source the first worlf citizen travel guide- crisis context = learning http://www.valuetrue.com/home/default.cfm

vote which global market sectors include even one sustainability investment leader http://www.valuetrue.com/home/glossary.cfm?letter=B


Hi John
I am copying a few other collaborative people in case they wish to comment on your interesting questions. I wish I had fuller answers- I guess this is a search in rapid progress. Are you able to send me a list of your 40 authors -perhaps I can put a free notice  and google search of the 40  -up at http://citizenagency.tv
peter in new york is already a user at lulu with his search on empowerment http://tr-ac-net.org -an emerging "ebay" of empowerment projects and how they need to fit together in opposite ways to global-down aid;
tav who after a 7 year opus is aiming to launch the world's most collaborative software "trust mapping" which 1000 Londoners are signing up to preview/network next month around
and sofia who so far has been my main co-interviewer of people who are making collaboration wishes around the world
You can see sofia's interview of Taddy Blecher of the free university CIDA in Johannesburg at this bookmark or if you will give me your snailmail I'll post you are first travel guide to learning which we published 2 days ago!
also at valuetrue I am trying to pre-empt anyone not open from cataloguing the current top 100 empowerment youtubes - nominations welcome http://www.valuetrue.com/home/community.cfm
Longer term what I am looking for is a publisher who understands that there are now some open source materials particular in the collaboration-empowerment areas of humanitarian endeavour where networks/communitioes want colaboration wishes distributed in real time is but where a printed compendium -eg the first 10 interviews of the same open change world impact as taddy's wishes - could also sell to the more traditional decision-makers who like books printed
Richard at solaroof whose inventors network has -unless you know better - the main collaboration product of our life and times photosynthesis of abundant clean energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CToYjQFRxXE
WE already have about 3 books worth where we are looking for such a publisher. As well as collaboration wishes the second type of material I want to publish is open source methods such as the new systemic audits of sustainability investment that are mathematically the exact opposite of counting up how much money one side has taken in separated historic quarters. In this regard Alan Mitchell and I are just completing 7 years of work on the first fieldbook of systemic approaches to sustain ability investment. This also matched the goals of eg Muhhamad Yunus when he encourages all to open up a social business enterprise stockmarket
I also use micro-tv webs to interface with the alumni of te great collabopratoprs of the days:
eg http://grameen.tv http://cidaworld.tv http://brac.tv  http://hi-trust.tv -feedback from users of these web gives me more reason why for advocating the urgent need to develop collaborative publishing so that we can make sure all our social network maps are the highest trust possible 
Though London is my main collaboration networking city, I am mainly based in Washington Dc region
Before my dad finished 40 years of deputy editing The Economist in the 1980s, he and I wrote a futire history on would the netwoek generation 1984-2024 be the sustainable one or the terminator one of our species ; we forecast that the next 5 years would be absolutely critical; can we integrate local societies around the world through above zero-sum collaboration economics http://www.normanmacrae.com/netfuture.html
as its my dad's 85th in 2008 and the 25th year of our future history, we invite up to 1000 people to cone to his party each bringing an open colabopration project with them - please pass on the invitation if such a party makes timely common sense http://erworld.tv http://passports.jp  http://worldcitizen.tv http://citizenagency.tv
Above all I find www.facebook.com the space to be but it takes some time using. If you get to it in spite of the long profile, you only need to fill in about 4 things - then fron d me and I can start guiding you round groups. One of the interesting gamnes going on is that groups adopt a name - let us say PBS broadcasting - then as freinds of PBS start discussing what they would really like to see it do. I am also very keen on Muhammad Yunus virtual copmmunities but they are just morphing right now so preobably best to link you once I have seen the morph!
chris macrae 301 881 1655
http://worldclassbrands.tv  let's get down to zero cost global awareness for developing world's life-saving new services 


The above is an extract from our interview with Bill Drayton for the world changers bank of travel guides soon to be a major new book and open resource. To see why Bill believes evryone of his social entrpreneurs merits 5-minute micro-feature - have a look at this free video of Bill guiding an audience of google.org around what Social Entrepreneurs can do for humanity. More videos in this genre here (bottom left) where you can see how the members of ashok's Global Academy multiply the value of each other's networks for humanity.

Our fist book will feature 100 world changers. Pre-publication, you can select a draft samplers of up to three of the folowing guides- email info@worldcitizen.tv :

*Bill Drayton, banker and friend of 2000 social entrepreneurs

*Nick Williams - why not make everone's work-life noble

*Gregor Wolbring -activist for ableists

*John Bunzl - simpol what could citizens sans frontieres vote for?

*Zuifiqar Hussan

*Dave Hampton, Carbon Coach

*Christer Lidzelius

*Rick Nelson - Clean Energy Architects

*Roosevelt Finlayson - Carnivalisation

*Count von.. Blood Diamonds

*Ryan Black

*Quratulain Bakhteari

Bono's 2005 wish:  (GoodNews Update 2007- Ted's Make a Wish comes to Africa Tanzania July; can you help us blog & map of other Africa events?)


WISH ONE: I wish for you to help build a social movement of more than ONE MILLION American activists for Africa.


  • Empower Americans to fight stupid, crushing poverty in Africa and AIDS by making a big noise.


Actions Taken:

  • Rights to the URL www.ONE.org secured and delivered by the Jane Addams Hull House
  • Sun builds cool SMS technology that allows instant sign-ups at U2 concerts; a team from Sun travels with the U2 tour to run it
  • Multi-company team of Sun, Macromedia, Microsoft and Tribe, redesigns the www.ONE.org website
  • Anonymous TEDster commits $10M over five years to Bono's team


1.4M signups ahead of G8 summit where major debt cancellation/AID package agreed. One.org signups subsequently exceed 2M.

New wishes coming in 2007 War photographer, James Nachtwey, one of the world's most prominent scientists, E.O. Wilson, and President William J. Clinton,

Other wishes : 2006 2005

Why Doesn't the British Broadcasting Corporation (or other world service public broadcaster) give as much share of voice to these popular league tables as it does to various sports?

Sustainbility (S): Climate

#1 London - news all) 3 Bn Dollar Pledge -ClintonGI 2006
I-Truth 1 2
S: Peace
Alltime Number 1 Gandhi & Einstein
S: Transparency

#1 Peter Eigen (video) Gatesway
S: MicroFinance

S: Public Service for & by Poorest

Abed's BRAC
S: 30000 social projects
#1 Drayton
S: Education
#1 Gandhi/Lucknow
80000 kids curriculum on water-Foz
#1 Gregor Wolbring
*Photosynthesis Architects -solaroof
Mount Sustainability: CEO Benchmarks
*Carbon Coach

Open Space
Deep Democracy
Coops for Micro-Producers
visa of prem kumar
Eli Bhatt
Stan K
Health for all
Victoria Hale min 40 sec 25
womens leaders audit
project jam

Help us fill this map of humanitarian entrepreneurs -mail info@worldcitizen.tv with your nomination


KNOWLEDGEtrue is that which liberates us - combines 2 gandhi maxims: 1) as founder 1920 of University and lifelong educational system at Ahmedabad; 2) as PeaceCentury founder of Satyagraha











worldcitizen.tv - scaling up human interests of world citizen networks


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