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World Record Jobs Creation Game

invitation to colleges to play world record game of jobs == mobile us 1 2403168157 
rough rules
start with a 3 minute survey- as each person to write down up to 6 job creators that are most relevant to them

next we make a poster of everyones answers - we try and put the most popular ones into clusters-a cluster being those job creators who are similar

we then compare this local version with a local to global benchmark for youth empowerment and jobs

example this benchmark could be adapted if there are some particular partnership connections you can activate or students 
!                                                                          !                                                                     !                                                                             !
!     1 Harrison Owen Open Space                        !       2 Zara Marselian La Maestra                    !                    3Hubs and supercities                                                  !
!                                                                          !                                                                     1                                                                             !
!                                                                          !                                                                      !                                                                           !
!4 Code entrepreneur college eg Branson Jamaica !   5 Stars Give Back- eg monica yunus NY      !   6  www youth community inspired by                 !
!                                                                           !                                                                      !  4 great self-determination leaders of dream to        !
!                                                                           !                                                                       !  reality: Francis ,Confucius Mandela King                                    !

1 over 30 years, 100 countries, harrison owen open space has become leading method of
empowerment and collaboration at community levels - amy is mentored personally by harrison

2 Age 13 Zara founded what has become the benchmark model for refugee job
creation and community regeneration - its origins are latino and san diego based
--zara is personally involved in seeing its replication to communities lie
Baltimore where she is being helped by conscious capitalism networks, 
the UN first ladies network which includes Rachel Ruto and Sherry Tross
 as active connectors, amy la maestra was first us community model amy studied, startup hubs
Emerald Planet tv channel and NY friends

3 Hubs and hackathons have been a leading focus of amy's research on the us side; chris
has been associated with the founder of 50 hubs since 2004- in 2012 a team at HBUC annual
convention at atlanta provided an audit of relevant us inner city hubs. Supercities is an emerging
collaboration movement concerned with ensuring New York, DC and Los Angeles along with Beijing
figure among the top 12 sustainability youth and  jobs-enriching cities

4 while we dont yet have relevant connection with in Jamaica
-we now the founder of the mandela extranet and free university in s,africa which
branson partners

5 Music and arts movements are ey connections of dianne and kiehls' friends
--chris is a family friend of monica yunus and her network   - he


organised for them to have pro bono support by one of new yorks leading brand agencies

6 with rome the most exciting if early stage youth project that amy co-partners

e to be the most heroic job creators




While I am not an expert I value 2 types of open space

1 pure open space - this is something amy knows more about than any 23 year old; typically you would take one challenging stimulus common to everyone who is invited - eg following up the michael moore film - and everyone attending would have chance to stand up and say i want to convene a meeting to consider solutions or more detail on xxx where in this case xxx is some kind of social problem that has been seen to have solutions elsewhere - so is there any sort of emerging project which could be tried out of brooklyn

of course the subject of the open space doesnt have to be the moore --- it can be any challenge where you know you can invite sufficient students and members of the mec community- such an open space would typically have anywhere between 15 and 100 people would need space for the whole circle to meet and mall space so that eg 5 concurrent meetings could be help every 45 minutes-and so a minimum of half a days time

2 applied open space - typically between 10 and 20 people- its open in the sense that it ass everyone to actively input into a learning process 
 that also aims to generate follow up projects or at least improve linkin connections- typically this can be scheduled within a 2 hour period -example see World Record Jobs Game (above)

.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... which 12 supercities will sustainability youth value most? TThe 12 supercity project - and needing to understand  collaboration's greatest virtual hubs (or colleges) of sustainability projects anywhere in the world

NC@W4E update 26 eb 2016-: do you have time to discuss this supercities collaboration  on friday, at home 

or alternatively while in new york- it could be useful to have a first discussion before the gala UN-china dinner on tuesday marcy 1  as increasingly john kiehl is becoming the superhub of new york as a supercity -and as well as new york connections such as the brothers of - peter, amy and i have now started to understand

 that john shares everything with cantor manny so that baltimore and new york connections make the most of each other -in fact manny goes up to new york one day a week to brainstorm and skype the world with john and system conflict gurus like don beck of spiral dynamics and hopefully thanks to amy in future harrison owen and relevant peace summit connectors out of rome

also john linkins through many coding groups at MIT, various famous and rich people, and he has at least 2 big interests in networks that hub out of san diego which is also where many startups are converging at jonathans new hub where la maestra leadership team want amy to convene an open space
-one is the civics course sponsored by the film star richard dreyfuss
-the other is the the worlds best conflict resolution research between palestine and israel -whether hilary or trump is our next president it would be really useful to know all about this now 

another complication is that after doing a lot of arts and cultures work on a project that began with dianne davies the main host of these un events,  john found that she  never seems interested in actioning the results so johns friend manny the singer still actively connects with dianne and her summits while john not so much

However it is manny who describes john as having turned his broadway film studios into the hobby of being one of the greatest virtual hubs of sustainability projects anywhere in the world

in this context manny is trying to work out what it is that amy can also help everyone interconnect and of course we have all of Kings conscious capitalism networking (and zaras attempt to replicate maestra in baltimore) and all of harrison owens open space networking out of our region. Moreover when it comes to mackeys Conscious Capitalism both kiehl and Don Beck have active projects in partnership with John Mackey

the idea of supercities is that if sustainability is to be our generations consequence then the 3 usa city regions


los angeles will need to celebrate worldwide open elearning templates for ending poverty, abuse and happy livelihoods for all across the region  -and if it was logical would quickly build a japanese style bullet train between la and san diego

and collaborate on  with another 9 cities around the world to which beijing must be one and absent of britain leaving EU,  in all probability rome is last relevant space in europe - a major requirement of a supercity is that it must have almost unlimited space to expand and do so in ways that affordable housing and thriving communities blossom everywhere- this of course means that the supercity will need banking of an exact opposite kind that usa knows how to do -naila i think you still have my 3d video of rome and its launch of the new underground colliseum of youth cultures, part of its bid to stage the 2024 olympoics

The LA map comes into focus because one of the awardees on monday night is the extraordinary black former la senator dianne watson Diane Watson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia whom amy and I met at the alast UN lunch -johns main interests in la connect through xprize meetups

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